Severt & Son’s Produce is proud to be a member of Blue Book. Since 1901, fresh produce traders and transporters have relied on Blue Book Services to make informed business decisions. Customers trust Blue Book to provide the most accurate and current information when they want it and how they want it.

Get The Facts
Blue Book ratings are based on fact, not opinion or speculation. Our team of specialists continually validates listings. And our rating analysts closely monitor industry businesses to identify pay and trading changes or emerging financial trends that affect your profits. We publish hundreds of listing and rating changes each month.

Services and Solutions
Maybe you want a reliable marketing list. Perhaps you need a quick credit check or a detailed business report. Or could you use help collecting a past due account or settling a business dispute? Your Blue Book membership gives you the information and services necessary to avoid costly mistakes and grow your business.

Fast and Flexible
We employ cutting-edge technology to bring you information quickly so you can stay ahead of the competition and boost your bottom line. Whether you use Blue Book Services in print or Blue Book Online Services (BBOS), you get the same accurate, trade-based information you’d expect from an industry leader.

Call us at 630-668-3500 or E-Mail: Click to Email to find out how Blue Book Services can help you.